How do we debug Direct Connect

Jun 22, 2024



AWS Direct Connect(DX) and Direct Connect Gateway(DXGW) are easy to connect onpremiss for client. But confirmation for connecting is little bit troublesome. So I want to write how do we debug the connection in DX, DXGW in this article.

Using EC2

The most easiest way is build EC2. Then you can execute ping or traceroute command in EC2. Traceroute command is tracing the path an IP packet takes across one or many networks. This command is so usuful to use for DX and DXGW.

How about lambda?

AWS Lambda doens’t to allow use ICMP protocol. So we can’t use traceroute command.

Newtwork Monitoring

we can get performance for round-trip time and packet loss.
This supports TCP and ICMP protocol. It may use traceroute command in AWS Sercide.

