Navigating High-Volume Messaging Challenges in AWS Lambda Using ReportBatchItemFailures

2 min readFeb 11, 2024


Discover the challenge of managing thousands of messages in AWS Lambda and the solution that ReportBatchItemFailures offers for better performance.

Our Composition

We want to handle high-volume messages in the below component.
But we can find some metrics are not fine which are NumberOfMessagesReceived for SQS, and Invocations for lambda.

Implement ReportBatchItemFailures in Lambda

When your Lambda function encounters an error while processing a batch, all messages in that batch become visible in the queue again by default, including messages that Lambda processed successfully.

Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda Developer Guide. Retrieved from

If Lambda encounters an error, the entire batch of records is marked as failed. This means that if just one record has an issue, the whole batch is considered unsuccessful.

To avoid the above event, we can implement ReportBatchItemFailures.
In this case, what we have to do is below two things.

  1. Add the function_response_types in the source mapping
  2. Implement the response in Lambda
resource "aws_lambda_event_source_mapping" "example" {
batch_size = 5
event_source_arn = var.event_source_arn
function_name = aws_lambda_function.example.arn
function_response_types = ["ReportBatchItemFailures"] # add
enabled = true

// SqsBatchResponse レスポンス
type SqsBatchResponse struct {
BatchItemFailures []BatchItemFailure `json:"batchItemFailures"`

type BatchItemFailure struct {
ItemIdentifier string `json:"itemIdentifier"`

Decrease error in Lambda

If your function code caused the error, Lambda gradually backs off retries by reducing the amount of concurrency allocated to your Amazon SQS event source mapping

Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda Developer Guide. Retrieved from

This means Lambda error numbers affect concurrency. So we revise the error response in Lambda.


In conclusion, using ReportBatchItemFailures helps us accurately track message and invocation metrics in AWS Lambda and SQS, solving our high-volume messaging issues efficiently.


